Discover the Acea Group online 2020 Sustainability Report

Relations with the environment

Environmental sustainability and primary challenges

The primary challenges for environmental sustainability are identified in the Green Deal, the European Union growth strategy and the tool to launch the “Next Generation EU”. The European post-COVID plan sets the goal of climate neutrality by 2050, through progressive transformation of the economy, with largescale investment in renewable energy, energy efficiency, transport with low environmental impacts and upgrading of buildings, in the context of a circular economy, with inclusivity and innovation as universal foundations.

As 2020 was struck by the health emergency, the European guidelines remained unchanged and also represent the reference framework for Companies like Acea, which continues its path of growth in a circular-economy context, and has taken up the challenge of combating climate change through:

  • increased use of renewables,
  • increased use of green energy in internal consumption,
  • increased resilience of electrical and water infrastructure,
  • a focus on safeguarding water resources
  • technological innovation applied to infrastructure management.

Acea has undertaken a process of alignment with the Recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and has already assessed climate risks since 2019, distinguishing them into physical and transitional ones.


  • Energy segment
  • Environment segment
  • Water segment
  • Use of materials
  • Emissions