Discover the Acea Group online 2020 Sustainability Report

Customers and the community

Customers and the community


Data pertaining to the volume of customers, apart from the Companies Acea Energia, Areti, and, in the water segment, to the Companies Acea Ato 2, Acea Ato 5, Gesesa, Gori and AdF also includes data related to other water Companies (Acque, Publiacqua, AdF and Umbra Acque) – that are not included in the NFD scope – highlighting the single contribution for the sole purpose of providing a “global” dimension. Data pertaining to perceived quality, delivered quality, tariffs, customer care and communication activities relates to the operating Companies – Acea Energia, Areti, Acea Ato 2, Acea Ato 5,Gesesa, Gori and AdF – and the Parent Company – as recalled in the text.

Main objectives of the Strategic Plan

  • Improve communication with customers
  • Improvement of the quality of services
  • Electricity and water service
  • Perceived quality
  • Quality in the water area

Our projects

Users of the electricity and gas social bonus

For customers who are experiencing financial hardship, also in relation to the size of the household, and for customers who, due to their state of health, require energy-intensive medical equipment ARERA provides the "electricity bonus": a discount applied to the cost of electricity. In 2020 the number of Acea Energia customers eligible for the bonus, in the protected and free markets, was 26,053 (a decrease of 13% compared to the 29,894 customers accepted in 2019), who benefited with overall economic savings of almost €2.4 million. In particular, 25,323 bonuses were paid for economic hardship (97% of the total) and 780 for physical hardship (state of health), making a total of 26,103, which is higher than the number of beneficiary customers as one customer may be entitled to both bonuses.

Similarly to the electricity bonus, ARERA provides for the "GAS bonus", with similar procedures. The number of customers eligible for this bonus in 2020 was 6,685, representing savings exceeding €361 thousand.

Overall, during the year, the bonus system (both electricity and gas) resulted in savings of around €2.8 million for Acea Energia customers who benefited from it.

In addition, in the territory served by the distribution network managed by Areti, 11,649 customers were eligible for the electricity bonus (11,603 for economic hardship, 46 for physical hardship), about 1% less than the 11,712 in 2019, served by Companies other than Acea Energia, insofar as the “sale” component.

“Prosumers” connected to Acea networks: +8% in 2020

A "prosumer" is both a producer and consumer of energy; and is capable of partially or totally ensuring its own energy supply and transferring any surplus produced to the grid. This protagonist of the new energy model interacts in new ways with both the distributor and the party responsible for selling/withdrawing energy. Acea is open and proactive with regard to the forms of innovation introduced by the new energy model, and in particular to the development of the capacity of the connection, transmission and distribution systems.

As at 31.12.2020, 14,641 prosumers – an increase of almost 8% compared to the 13,591 recorded in 2019 – were active on the energy distribution network managed by Areti; 11,996 of these are qualified as “domestic prosumers”, or customers with residential utility contracts who are also small-scale energy producers, and 2,645 are qualified as “other users”, or non-domestic uses (commercial enterprises, professional and artisanal activities). About 8,000 of the prosumers on the Acea network are fed Acea Energia customers. The energy injected into the grid by these subjects was 87.48 GWh in 2020, about 73% photovoltaic.