Across the

We have taken concrete actions in order to to redesign spaces and ways of working to continue building growth sustainable.
Across the 2020
We responded to the present...
We have never stopped to continue to guarantee essential services for the communities and the protection of our people.
Around 9 mln residents served in Lazio, Tuscany, Umbria, Campania and Molise
Read more on Consolidated ReportEnergy infrastructure
210,000 t of CO2 saved through the production of electricity from renewable sources
Read more on Sustainability ReportEnergy distribution
916 GWh electricity produced total, of which 68% from renewable sources
Read more on Sustainability ReportOUR RESPONSE TO COVID-19
Covid-19 emergency training hours
Community and territory
Acea launched the campaign #IODONODACASA, to help collect funds in favor of the Lazzaro Spallanzani National Institute for Infectious Diseases.
Protecting people
Around 60% work remotely, also thanks to APP to plan their presence on site.
Protecting people
Tasked a Coronavirus Prevention Committee to implement all measures necessary to ensure employee health and safety.
virtual meetings per month
smart worker and smart manager training hours
Initiatives and projects
Lighting with the colors of the Italian flag of some monuments to express closeness to citizens.
Our industrial vision: considering the stakeholders' expectations, aiming at the creation of shared value thanks to the integration between business and sustainability.
We have a future of growth ahead of us
The 2020-2024 Business Plan confirms the growth path undertaken: continue along the growth path (Growth), increase development in renewables (Renewables), invest on technological innovation also in industrial processes (Innovation), achieve challenging objectives and overcome them ( Delivery), with an approach that makes sustainable development a fundamental element (Sustainability).
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The context
Our market is rapidly evolving, 5 megatrends are driving its change: sustainability, energy transition, digital innovation, customer focus and business consolidation.
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We want to be protagonists of infrastructure and sustainability
In our Business Plan we have designed growth supported by investments in renewables and innovation, to continue to ensure levels and quality of service with the aim of building sustainable and environmentally friendly development.
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The guidelines of the Sustainability Strategy
The objectives of the 2020-2024 Sustainability Plan are divided into 125 targets by 2024 and outline Acea's path in the pursuit of sustainable development.
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Growth horizons
Based on the results achieved in recent years, we are aiming for further and significant growth for 2024.
Our development goals
- Water
- Energy Infrastructure
- Environment
- Engineering and services
- Commercial and trading
- Generation
Some main initiatives:
+500k smart meter installed
36 rationalized plants
-11 pp losses over the plan
Some main initiatives:
+145 M of € investments
+60% substations BT/MT
1.3 M smart meters installed by 2024
Some main initiatives:
+0.5 Mt / a incremental capacity by 2024
+0.6 Mt / a incremental capacity by 2024
15+ Plants acquired by 2024
Some main initiatives:
+10 M€ EBITDA 2024
+440 M € Plants built by 2024
+ 20% Insourcing of general contractor margin
Some main initiatives:
+ 240k customers (net growth vs 2019)
~ 700k free customers
+ 80k Gas Customers vs 2019
Some main initiatives:
747 MW installed by 2024
569 MW installed by 2024
178 MW by 2024
We believe in sustainability to create value
- Dialogue with stakeholders
- Acea and the SDGs
- Investments and sustainability targets
- Challenging goals
Our sustainability strategy arises from a continuous dialogue with our stakeholders to activate collaborative paths in a perspective of shared value.
Read more about the Dialogue with Stakeholders
We want to actively contribute to the achievement of 6 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
We have foreseen 2.1 billion euros of investments connected to specific sustainability objectives, such as the protection and management of water resources, the contribution to the development of electric mobility and the fight against climate change.
GDP and employment increase
Preliminary and partial estimate only for the selected period
+5.8 B€
Water resource protection
Losses reduction, IoT grids’ management, rationalization of purification system
-11 pp
Quality of electricity service
Improved resiliency of electric grids
Smart city
Installation of EV charging stations and water / electric smart meters
Circular economy
Waste treated with circular economy logics and reduction of sludge coming out of purification plants
+1.6 Mton
Green energy
Increase in production and consumption of green energy